Vodacom Financial Services: Payment Solutions - Save Cards Spec

Contents / Tables / Figures / Related Links
Version 1.3.1

1. Contents

Table 1. Contents
# Chapter
1. Payment Response Re–Try Queue API
2. System Architecture and API
3. User Experience
3.1 - Customer Flow
3.2 - Initial payment for customer
3.3 - Capturing a Saved Card Detail
3.4 - Customer Saved Cards UI
3.5 - Deleting Saved Cards
4 - Integration

2. Tables

Table 2. Tables
# Tables
2.1 Table 2: Merchant Prerequisites
2.2 Table 3: Save Card Mandatory Fields

3. Figures

Table 3. Figures
# Figures
3.1 Figure 1: Allow Save Customer Card Details
3.3 Figure 2: VPS.CardVault System Architecture
3.2 Figure 3: User Flow Save Card Details
3.3 Figure 4: Initial payment page
3.4 Figure 5: Save Card Details
3.5 Figure 6: Customer Saved Card List
3.6 Figure 7: Deleting a Saved Card
3.7 Figure 8: Confirmation of Saved Card Deletion for a card with an Alias
3.8 Figure 9: Confirmation of Saved Card Delete for a Card with no Alias

4. Referenced Documentation

